Monday, February 19, 2007

TNT anaylist Doug Collins featured in HoopDaddy

The NBA All-Star game broadcast was a huge success for TNT, including analyst Doug Collins, one of the many fathers featured in the book HoopDaddy.

Collins, a star at Illinois State who played on the 1972 U.S. Olympic team that was robbed of a gold medal, is the father of Chris Collins. Chris, now an assistant to Mike Krzyzewski at Duke, was a star player himself for the Blue Devils before going into coaching. Doug Collins had a long NBA career as both a player and coach.

The Collins' story is one of many featuring famous fathers and sons featured in HoopDaddy whose lives are intertwined by basketball, including Hall of Famers Bill Walton, (UCLA, Portland Trail Blazers, Boston Celtics) the late Ray Meyer (DePaul) and John Thompson (Boston Celtics, Georgetown University).

HoopDaddy by Lee Feinswog, is a compelling read for any father, son or sports fan, and is only available at

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