Whatever happened to Jimmie Nicol? Exclusive interview with author of new book, ‘The Beatle Who Vanished’
Published by Daytrippin.com
Nicol performing in London on the day it was announced that he was to
replace Ringo Starr for The Beatles World tour; photo courtesy Jim
Jimmie Nicol played with the world’s most famous rock group for 13
days…and then years later he walked out of his London flat and
disappeared without a trace. In his new book, “The Beatle Who Vanished”,
author Jim Berkenstadt uncovers the twisting trail of intrigue that has
followed Jimmie Nicol since his disappearance in the late sixties.
“The Beatle Who Vanished” is the first account of Jimmie Nicol, an
unknown drummer whose journey from humble beginnings to improbable
climb – rescuing The Beatles’ first world tour from disaster by stepping
in for an ailing Ringo Starr – was only part of his legend. Though his
13 days of fame made headlines, the true mystery of Nicol’s account is
riddled with blacklisting, betrayal, drug abuse, bankruptcy and an
eventual disappearance that leads many to question whether he is dead or
Berkenstadt, the author of several Beatles books, spent six years
of his life gum-shoeing the life of Nicol. In this exclusive interview
with Daytrippin’, Berkenstadt discusses why the Beatles selected Nicol,
his unforgettable 13-day tenure with the Fab Four, and how his 15
minutes of fame turned into nearly a five-decade hangover.

As you so aptly state in the opening of the book, Jimmie Nicol was a
classy footnote in Beatles history. So what made you decide to dedicate
six years of research and writing to this project?
JB: “The Beatle Who Vanished” really started out as a challenge to
see if I could find enough information to write an article about Jimmie
Nicol’s life. He only ever merits one sentence in Beatles history books
and no mention in British music histories. I got lucky early on
finding out the general chronology of his career by locating bands he
had played in and then finding members of those bands to talk to me
about their lives with Jimmie. I found that almost universally his
friends loved him very much and found him to be generous and highly
talented. They all seemed to be rooting for him to succeed.
After a while, I was being connected to various band members from
Colin Hicks & His Cabin Boys to Vince Eager & the Quiet Three,
the Shubdubs and Spotnicks. This led to my compiling Nicol’s amazing
discography and helped piece together the chronology of his career. The
recordings I found all over the world, helped me to learn about Nicol’s
amazing and creative gift as a drummer, composer, arranger and producer.
The years of writing and research were an amazing journey and
challenge. Nicol was an enigmatic character. He always seemed to erase
his trail when he moved on, rather than preserve it. The best way to
describe my years of research is like a treasure hunt to find thousands
of pieces to a giant puzzle. Then after finding all the pieces, one has
to use interviews, photos, articles, video, recordings and memorabilia
(i.e. posters) to fit the pieces together to create the portrait of
Jimmie Nicol that readers will see in the book.
Q: You’ve been a part of the Beatles world for close to 25 years,
including working as a consultant on the reissue of “All Things Must
Pass” and the Traveling Wilburys box set. Not to mention your other
books (“
Black Market Beatles: The Story Behind The Lost Recordings” and “The Beatles Digest”) on the Fab Four. How did this help in terms of locating sources for your research?
JB: The two projects you mentioned, along with some of my work for
Apple (The Beatles “Help!” DVD and the Cirque Du Soleil “Love” show)
involved treasure hunts and connecting with the right people who were
eyewitnesses to history. As an attorney, I became adept at research and
finding almost anything on the Internet. This would include locating
people who are hard to find, long lost news articles in foreign
languages and lost audio and video.
Q: Like most people, I have never given much thought to Jimmie Nicol.
Were you surprised by the fact that he was such an accomplished drummer
before he was asked by the Beatles to fill in for Ringo Starr?
Colin Hicks and The Cabin Boys EP with Jimmie Nicol on drums; courtesy Jim Berkenstadt
I did not know what to expect of Jimmie Nicol’s drumming
at first. It took about a year to locate some early 1950s live video
performances (which I will put up on my web site at
and listening to 45s and LPs that I collected from all of the bands he
recorded with before and after his stint with The Beatles. Once I heard
the music he had played on, I was blown away by his ability to play not
only great rock and roll, but Ska, Big Band, Jazz, R&B and really
anything. As the readers will discover, not only was Jimmie a great rock
drummer who could step in at the last minute for Ringo, but through a
stroke of fate, he already knew the parts to The Beatles current concert
set list when they chose him.
Q: How would you compare Nicols’ style of drumming to Ringo Starr’s?
It is interesting to use film clips of both Ringo and
Jimmie playing drums with The Beatles, to compare and contrast. The
Beatles were musically a very tight unit. They breathed, moved and
played together as one. Imagine how difficult it must have been for them
to launch a world tour with a brand new person to drive their rhythm?
Nicol came through for them based upon his experience.
From a technique standpoint, both Nicol and Starr employed the
matched-grip style of holding the sticks. This was still a new approach
to drum technique in 1964. The matched-grip approach positions the
weight of the arms over the stick, allowing the weight to assist in
producing a bigger sound. Briefly, Ringo’s style is defined by his
staying low to the drums and cymbals for the most part, using his
strong/powerful wrists to get a beat that is clear, communicative and
which helps define and serve key sections of the song. In contrast,
Nicol’s style is more staccato than Starr’s. Nicol employs more of a
whipping arm motion from a higher plane down into the drums which
produces a brighter tone (Nicol also sets his stool higher than Starr
for this purpose). His performances with The Beatles also highlight more
of his R&B and Big Band influences in the way he breaks away from
the beat and plays strong fills to set up changes in the tune.
Both styles work well to hold The Beatles together, yet of course;
Ringo had recorded the songs in his style, which would be more familiar
to fans. However,
what fans could actually hear The Beatles at these concerts in 1964?!
Q: You cast a very large net when it came to researching Jimmie
Nicols’ life – including trips to England, Holland, and Mexico. I
imagine it was a surprise that this book took you around the world?
Almost everything I came to learn about Jimmie Nicol’s
life was a surprise. He was the definition of an independent spirit. He
often chose the unexpected path. No one could tell him what to do or how
to think. Each time he vanished in his career, it would take me awhile
to locate where in the world he would show up next! He usually never
said goodbye… just walked out the door… to another spot on the globe.
Very mysterious. I tried to retrace his footsteps by traveling to
England, Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne to get a feel for the places he
had lived and worked. I call that
Frequent Flier Research…
Jimmie Nicol drumming for The Beatles in Adelaide, 1964;
photo courtesy Jim Berkenstadt
Q: I was also surprised in your book by the amount of newspapers
articles that existed on Nichols in addition to some of the memorabilia
and photos you were able to unearth. How lucky were you in this regard?
JB: The articles were not too difficult to find. I would Google rock
historians in other countries who had an interest in their country’s
music history. They often had links that directed me to what I needed.
Google books were very helpful in locating “Billboard” magazine issues
mentioning Nicol. I collected the key British music magazines at EBay
in the UK.
Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn was very generous and helpful in
pointing me in certain directions and helping me find obscure facts.
Kudos to Mark! Many rare photos of Nicol with his various bands such as
Vince Eager, The Shubdubs and The Spotnicks were generously loaned to me
by band members.
The rare handbills, programs and memorabilia were found on EBay or
loaned from collectors worldwide. The Beatles era video and photos are
available to watch or license at archives such as Getty. I picked up a
set of Beatles autographs with Jimmie Nicol that was signed on their
first plane ride for a flight attendant on BEA at Sotheby’s Auctions in
1985. Priceless…. for $200. The first night concert set list from The
Beatles First World Tour, (illustrated in the book) was hand-written by
Neil Aspinall. He gave it to Lennon, who gave to Nicol, who used it on
his bass drum. After the show, Nicol left it. Torben, the drummer for
the warm up band The Hitmakers, picked it up as a souvenir and kept it
for decades.
LPs were the hardest to locate. I found a Mexican LP Nicol produced and played on in the late sixties called
It is the only copy in the world I have ever seen. Out of Nicol’s
10-page discography I compiled, I think there is only one 45 record I
was unable to locate; likely due to anemic sales at the time.
Q: What were some of the attributes Brian Epstein was looking for
when replacing Ringo Starr for the tour, and why do you think they
ultimately decided on Jimmie Nicol?
This was an emotional and scary time for Epstein. He had
to find a fill-in for Ringo or the entire tour would collapse into a
disaster of financial ruin, lawsuits against NEMS and catastrophic bad
PR for The Beatles. There were no “out” clauses for illness to postpone
tours in 1964. The show must go on! Epstein needed a competent drummer
who could drive The Beatles bus while they could comfortably sing and
play the songs out front. But he also needed someone who was mature
enough not to let the experience go to his head. Maturity, diplomacy and
discretion were most needed to fill in. The person chosen would be
seeing and experiencing things on tour that did not fit into the current
“mop top” family-friendly image, such as sex and drugs.
There are other factors as to why and how Nicol was chosen, but I will leave those to be discovered by the readers.
Q: After the elation of
The Call in which Nicol was notified that he would be touring with the Beatles, what sort of pressure do you imagine he was facing?
By the time of
The Call, Nicol was a pro. He had
played in some of England’s best first generation rock bands, led his
own big band and was one of the top 5 session drummers at the time in
London. He was a confident and strong player and in the book I explain
in detail how he already knew most of Ringo Starr’s drum parts. I think
he became nervous once all of the fan attention and media started to
surround him. He realized that this was no normal gig and no everyday
band. He had the stress of driving the best rock band in the world and
he wanted to do his job well.
Q: And conversely, it sounded as if Ringo Starr, though he shouldn’t
have been worried, was much more upset than originally reported. What do
you think he was going through?
JB: Ringo felt helpless in a hospital bed watching his buddies on TV
head off on their first world tour. Keep in mind, Pete Best had been
replaced by Ringo after only two years. Now Ringo was being temporarily
replaced (two years after Best) by Jimmie Nicol, a well-known London
drummer who was in the hottest live band in town, Georgie Fame and the
Blue Flames. He was likely a little insecure and worried…
Jimmie Nicol (left) with Paul, George and John at a press conference in Amsterdam, June 1964; photo courtesy Jim Berkenstadt
Q: The most telling quote I found in the
book was when Nicol got his first taste of Beatlemania. He said: “The
day before I was a Beatle, not one girl would look me over. The day
after … they were dying just to get a touch of me. Strange and scary all
at once. It’s hard to describe the feeling but I can tell you it can go
to your head. I see why so many famous people kill themselves.” That
quote is in some ways a cautionary tale…
JB: This is a cautionary tale. In the words of Grammy Producer Butch
Vig (Paul McCartney, Nirvana, Green Day), “This is a fascinating and
mysterious must read for hardcore Beatles fans, and anyone who wants to
understand the meteoric rise to pop stardom and the subsequent crash
Q: Despite all of the mayhem, it sounds like the Beatles burned the
candles at both ends during this tour and Nichol had to force himself to
keep up. Amsterdam, in particular, sounded like a wild time.
The whole tour was pretty wild for its time, as readers
will see. Keep in mind, Nicol was a few years older than The Beatles and
he had done this all before. It is hard to come off stage after a
Beatles concert of wild, crazy screaming and simply go to sleep. So, a
good time was had by all.
Q: Nicol also endured subtle and not so subtle slights throughout the
tour, including a protest by an Australian DJ for not hiring a drummer
from Down Under. This must have put a few dents in his armor?
JB: Nicol was very independent and proud. He felt he deserved more
respect for his subbing and “saving” the tour from cancellation and
disaster. The Beatles were very friendly and respectful. They introduced
him at the shows too. But others were not so kind. Along the way,
managers of other bands would volunteer their drummer or a DJ would
protest the loss of jobs for their country. In addition, the posters and
programs all portrayed that Ringo was behind the kit – not Jimmie.
Surely this annoyed Nicol, who felt at times like he was
under-appreciated. I think over the years, these and other issues
revealed in the book, had an impact on his psyche.
Q: They say every picture tells a story, but that photo in your book
of Jimmie Nicol sitting alone in the Sydney Airport after his tenure was
over is haunting…it’s almost as if you can read his mind: “My life just
JB: That photo is quite haunting. Nicol is deep in thought. One day
you are on top of the entertainment world. The next day, you are on your
way home. What does the future hold? Can it ever be as amazing as what
you have just gone through? Can one ever go back to their everyday life?
What does 15 minutes of fame do to someone? I will leave it to readers
to see what Jimmie had to say about that amazing photo. I found it in
the archives of an Australian newspaper and licensed if for the book. In
my mind it had to be a full page, to convey its intensity.
Nicol performed the job admirably received a 500-pound bonus and a gold watch. I can’t help but feel that he felt hollow inside.
How he felt about The Beatles experience seemed to change over the
years. I don’t want to give away the story, but it is quite interesting
and mysterious.
Jimmie Nicol with all four Beatles in Melbourne;
photo courtesy Jim Berkenstadt
Q: Thanks to your meticulous research, the Jimmie Nichol story
doesn’t end in 1964. Can you give readers a brief sketch of what he did
in the sixties, seventies and eighties?
JB: The research was intense. Over 700 footnotes. Hundreds of
interviews with his friends, bandmates and eyewitnesses. Before The
Beatles, Nicol played rock, jazz, big band, R&B and Ska in a number
of bands from the late 1950s to 1964. He then started to get involved in
recording sessions and arrangements. He created a pre-Beatles band
called Jimmie Nicol & the Shubdubs, which he also carried on with
later. Nicol rode a roller coaster of successes with different tours,
recording projects and non-musical occupations. He also had failures
along the way, including band breakups, bankruptcy, divorce and more.
Q: If there is a message or subtext to “The Beatle Who Vanished,” what would you like you to convey?
JB: I think this is an interesting story on two levels. First,
piecing together the career of someone who is really forgotten in
history is one part detective work and one part jigsaw puzzle assembly.
There were thousands of pieces to Nicol’s puzzle; especially because he
had the ability to vanish and move to another country. More
importantly, a portrait emerged about a very talented person who
experiences a huge ride to the top of the entertainment world – at a
very young age and for a very short time. I wanted to explore what those
15 minutes of fame were like and how it then affects the rest of their
life. Hopefully, I have been successful in conveying Nicol’s story,
which is clearly a cautionary tale.
Note: Visit the official website for
“The Beatle Who Vanished” at www.thebeatlewhovanished.com
where you can read a free excerpt and watch the official video promo.
You can “friend” the author, Jim Berkenstadt on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/RockAndRollDetective
Marshall Terrill is the author of 16 books. His next literary
endeavor will be a photo/passage book with guitarist Laurence Juber
called “Fifty Years on Six Strings.” It will be published in November
2013 by Dalton Watson Fine Books.
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